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SKU-110k Dataset

The SKU-110k dataset is a collection of densely packed retail shelf images, designed to support research in object detection tasks. Developed by Eran Goldman et al., the dataset contains over 110,000 unique store keeping unit (SKU) categories with densely packed objects, often looking similar or even identical, positioned in close proximity.

Dataset sample image

Key Features

  • SKU-110k contains images of store shelves from around the world, featuring densely packed objects that pose challenges for state-of-the-art object detectors.
  • The dataset includes over 110,000 unique SKU categories, providing a diverse range of object appearances.
  • Annotations include bounding boxes for objects and SKU category labels.

Dataset Structure

The SKU-110k dataset is organized into three main subsets:

  1. Training set: This subset contains images and annotations used for training object detection models.
  2. Validation set: This subset consists of images and annotations used for model validation during training.
  3. Test set: This subset is designed for the final evaluation of trained object detection models.


The SKU-110k dataset is widely used for training and evaluating deep learning models in object detection tasks, especially in densely packed scenes such as retail shelf displays. The dataset's diverse set of SKU categories and densely packed object arrangements make it a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in the field of computer vision.

Dataset YAML

A YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) file is used to define the dataset configuration. It contains information about the dataset's paths, classes, and other relevant information. For the case of the SKU-110K dataset, the SKU-110K.yaml file is maintained at


# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license
# SKU-110K retail items dataset by Trax Retail
# Documentation:
# Example usage: yolo train data=SKU-110K.yaml
# parent
# ├── ultralytics
# └── datasets
#     └── SKU-110K  ← downloads here (13.6 GB)

# Train/val/test sets as 1) dir: path/to/imgs, 2) file: path/to/imgs.txt, or 3) list: [path/to/imgs1, path/to/imgs2, ..]
path: ../datasets/SKU-110K # dataset root dir
train: train.txt # train images (relative to 'path')  8219 images
val: val.txt # val images (relative to 'path')  588 images
test: test.txt # test images (optional)  2936 images

# Classes
  0: object

# Download script/URL (optional) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
download: |
  import shutil
  from pathlib import Path

  import numpy as np
  import pandas as pd
  from tqdm import tqdm

  from ultralytics.utils.downloads import download
  from ultralytics.utils.ops import xyxy2xywh

  # Download
  dir = Path(yaml['path'])  # dataset root dir
  parent = Path(dir.parent)  # download dir
  urls = ['']
  download(urls, dir=parent)

  # Rename directories
  if dir.exists():
  (parent / 'SKU110K_fixed').rename(dir)  # rename dir
  (dir / 'labels').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)  # create labels dir

  # Convert labels
  names = 'image', 'x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2', 'class', 'image_width', 'image_height'  # column names
  for d in 'annotations_train.csv', 'annotations_val.csv', 'annotations_test.csv':
      x = pd.read_csv(dir / 'annotations' / d, names=names).values  # annotations
      images, unique_images = x[:, 0], np.unique(x[:, 0])
      with open((dir / d).with_suffix('.txt').__str__().replace('annotations_', ''), 'w') as f:
          f.writelines(f'./images/{s}\n' for s in unique_images)
      for im in tqdm(unique_images, desc=f'Converting {dir / d}'):
          cls = 0  # single-class dataset
          with open((dir / 'labels' / im).with_suffix('.txt'), 'a') as f:
              for r in x[images == im]:
                  w, h = r[6], r[7]  # image width, height
                  xywh = xyxy2xywh(np.array([[r[1] / w, r[2] / h, r[3] / w, r[4] / h]]))[0]  # instance
                  f.write(f"{cls} {xywh[0]:.5f} {xywh[1]:.5f} {xywh[2]:.5f} {xywh[3]:.5f}\n")  # write label


To train a YOLOv8n model on the SKU-110K dataset for 100 epochs with an image size of 640, you can use the following code snippets. For a comprehensive list of available arguments, refer to the model Training page.

Train Example

from ultralytics import YOLO

# Load a model
model = YOLO('')  # load a pretrained model (recommended for training)

# Train the model
results = model.train(data='SKU-110K.yaml', epochs=100, imgsz=640)
# Start training from a pretrained *.pt model
yolo detect train data=SKU-110K.yaml epochs=100 imgsz=640

Sample Data and Annotations

The SKU-110k dataset contains a diverse set of retail shelf images with densely packed objects, providing rich context for object detection tasks. Here are some examples of data from the dataset, along with their corresponding annotations:

Dataset sample image

  • Densely packed retail shelf image: This image demonstrates an example of densely packed objects in a retail shelf setting. Objects are annotated with bounding boxes and SKU category labels.

The example showcases the variety and complexity of the data in the SKU-110k dataset and highlights the importance of high-quality data for object detection tasks.

Citations and Acknowledgments

If you use the SKU-110k dataset in your research or development work, please cite the following paper:

 author    = {Eran Goldman and Roei Herzig and Aviv Eisenschtat and Jacob Goldberger and Tal Hassner},
 title     = {Precise Detection in Densely Packed Scenes},
 booktitle = {Proc. Conf. Comput. Vision Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
 year      = {2019}

We would like to acknowledge Eran Goldman et al. for creating and maintaining the SKU-110k dataset as a valuable resource for the computer vision research community. For more information about the SKU-110k dataset and its creators, visit the SKU-110k dataset GitHub repository.

Created 2023-11-12, Updated 2023-11-22
Authors: glenn-jocher (3), Laughing-q (1)
